The Unjust Judge

The Unjust Judge
Luke 18:1-8

The Parable of the Unjust Judge is
found in verses 1 through 8 of the 18th
chapter of Luke.

In the last 10 verses of the 17th chapter
of Luke, Jesus spoke of the time when
He would return, and said conditions
would be as they were in the time of Noah
and the Flood, as they were in the time of
Lot and the destruction of Sodom.
For this reason we are justified in
thinking that Christ had the present time
in mind when He spoke the Parable of the
Widow and the Unjust Judge.

While this is a parable on prayer and
teaches the importance of being persistent
in prayer, it is not a prayer for mercy, pardon
and salvation. It is definitely and
specifically a prayer to “Avenge me of
mine adversary.”

The woman in this parable who prays
“avenge me of mine adversary” was a
widow. A widow is a woman whose husband
has died.

In verse 7 of Luke 18 Jesus indicates
very clearly whom the widow represents.
It states, “And shall not God avenge
his own elect, which cry day and night
unto him, though he bear long with

The widow represents God's “elect.”
Since the only Scriptures in existence at
that time were the Old Scriptures, we
must turn to the Old Scriptures in order
to learn what people were and are God's

In Isaiah 45:1-4 God spoke through the
prophet Isaiah concerning Cyrus, king of
Persia, stating what Cyrus would accomplish.
In verse 4 of this passage we read:
“For Jacob my servant's sake, and
Israel mine elect, I have even called
thee by thy name: I have surnamed
thee, though thou hast not known

Here Israel is spoken of as God's elect.
Israel is also spoken of as God's elect in
Isaiah 65:9,22 and many times in the New Scriptures,
although sometimes the elect in the New
Scriptures refers to the Church, the Body
of Christ.

But why did the Lord use a widow to
represent the Israel people , and why was
the widow to pray “avenge me of mine

Two out of many Old Scripture references
will suffice to show why the true Israel
people are represented as a widow in this
“Turn, O backsliding children,
saith the Lord; for I am married unto
you: and I will take you one of a city,
and two of a family, and I will bring
you to Zion.”

In Isaiah 54:4,5 we read, “Fear not;
for thou shalt not be ashamed; neither
be thou confounded; for thou shalt
forget the shame of thy youth, and
shalt not remember the reproach of
thy widowhood any more. For thy
Maker is thine husband; the Lord of
hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer
the Holy One of Israel; The God of the
whole earth shall he be called.”

In these and other similar passages
the Lord says He is married to Israel, and
that the time would come when Israel
would "not remember the reproach of thy
widowhood any more."

The Lord spoke of true Israel as His wife
because He chose the Israel people
as His special people to bless
all nations through their preaching,
teaching and administering of His Word.
When Israel refused to do this her
racial sin made redemption necessary,
and the only way Israel could be redeemed
was through the death of Christ. At the
death of Christ, Israel became a widow.
But the Lord arose, and Israel will yet fulfill
her destiny of ruling with the Lord and
the Church, His Body. Repeatedly in the
Scriptures, we find the Lord spoken of as
the Redeemer of Israel and the word
“Israel” means ruling with God.

When we consider the adversary that
threatens Christendom of today, we can understand
why the Lord in this parable sought to
encourage the Israel people to pray to God
to be avenged of our adversary, World

Jesus closes this parable by saying,
"Nevertheless when the Son of man
cometh, shall he find faith on the
earth?” showing that He had given an
end time parable or prophecy.
The faith that Jesus referred to in
verse 8 was not faith for personal salvation.
Millions of people have faith for personal
salvation. But how many have faith
for true Israel , the widow, and for
the promised kingdom of God on earth as
foretold in the Scriptures?